This is the storm that went through today. Doesn't it look weird? It just sucked the fog from the hollers right up into the storm. If you didn't know any better, you would think it was a tornado. It wasn't though.
Well, the last two days have been pretty busy. Me and Mom canned beets yesterday. They turned out the most beautiful dark red. I just love pickled beets. We used my great aunt's recipe. I'll post it on here one of these Canning beets is easier than I thought it would be. I don't know why but, I was expecting something hard. Not at all!
Then I made some peach butter. That was easy too. I just peeled the peaches and put them in a blender. Pulsed them a few times. Not much, I didn't want them to be peach soup. I added a bunch of sugar, and boiled them down. Then I added cinnamon to taste. I honestly didn't measure any of it. It was all done to taste. It is soooo good. Hubby swears he hates peaches, but he loves the peach butter. Go figure.
Today I made pickles. I used Mrs Wages pickle mix again. I found some that was a little cheaper. It's easy too. And since I wasn't really planning to do pickles this year, easy is a good thing.
I also froze my cherry tomatoes. YUUUUMMMMMMY!!!!My own tomato flavored jawbreakers. Nothing like tomatoes in the middle of winter. I can just pop a few of them in my mouth in the middle of Feb, and that will hold me for a few more months. I also froze some summer squash and zucchini. They freeze very good. Just toss some in a skillet with a pat of butter and some salt. Maybe add some onion and garlic too. Wonderful!!!!I can eat my weight in these. ( and that's a lot!)
I was sitting on my front porch this morning, wondering why I wasn't getting many cherry tomatoes this year. I see the green ones, but it's like they just disappear. As I was sitting there. My dachshund(Skeeter) was sniffing around the tomato plants looking for critters.Or so I thought. I looked down at her and she had a ripe cherry tomato in her mouth! The thief!!!!! I yelled her name and she looked up at me like "What?" Nothing funnier than seeing a long black nose carrying around a small cherry tomato. I just had to laugh. The case of the missing tomatoes has been solved.
So until next time.....
Small Farm Girl, detective.
I always thought they were evil. Now I know for sure. (Doxies, not tomatoes)
I was wondering how you use the peach butter?And alot of Americans make apple sauce by the bucket load...??How do you use so much apple sauce? We dont use it here.
Hi everyone! Hey, Granny, we use applebutter and peach butter like jams and jellys. It's kind of like apple jam but, not as thick and with cinnamon. You have got to try them.
i canned one jar of pickled beets this week, that was all i had enough for. my choc lab absolutely love tomatoes, we had to fence off our garden from the little thief!
Your storm did look rather mean and like a tormado. It rained here all day. I love peach butter. My friend has made us some for the past 2 years. I put it on toast and English muffins. I could eat the jar myself in one sitting. We had a Shetland Sheepdog who used to go through our neighbors strawberry patch and eat her way through! lol Hey Granny! I love applesauce and kids love applesauce. We use it as a side dish and I'll eat it for a tasty...debbie
Well HI! Hey I saw your blog on Meadowlarks blog, the chicken caught my eye so when I pulled up your blog and saw you were from Kentucky, I thought now I know I have to contact her. That is originally where I am from and in fact my cousin Pat is coming to Vegas to visit (that is three hours away) and he is from Bardstown, so yellow cousin! Love your blog, can't wait to sit down tomorrow with a cup of coffee to read about ya! PS Those clouds were UGLY! I remember the clouds and tornadoes (The worst one in 73) wiped out my grandparents farm!
Good to have met ya!
That photo is amazing! I had heard there were some bad storms, but we didn't get any here. Just a few showers.
Our peaches are just about ready, so I'll have to try peach butter. It sounds delicious.
I'm glad to hear you're enjoying canning.
That is so funny about the dog eating your tomatoes! LOL
Beautiful picture.
I used the Mrs. Wages pickle mixes too. Very inexpensive, and I was not finding the spices I needed to make up my own. Seriously, everyone is doing so much canning this year that the stores have been consistently out of supplies.
I need to make a trip to the Mennonite store again.
We are pickled beets addicts. We canned a bunch, but we lost a lot to a chicken rampage. Chickens, by the way, love beets. They just scratch them up and peck away.
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