Right as I was writing this blog, Hubby asked if I wanted to go to his dad's house. Me, always up for a change in scenery, said yes. So we go down for a little bit. While we where there, someone stopped in and said there was a horse, a colt, and a burro lose down on the road. He thought it might belong to Hubby's stepsister. So we all get into the trucks, and go off on a horse wrangling mission. Sure enough it was her horse, so Hubby's stepmom led it back to her daughter's house. When we got there, her daughter told us that she didn't own a burro. We had to find a home for this 2 1/2 ft fall burro. I wanted it. But oooooooh no, right when I had Hubby convinced we needed it to keep coyotes and dogs away from out cattle, the owner of the burro shows up. He had no idea what to do with this burro. They had just bought it a few weeks ago for $60. It was his 5 year old girls birthday present. He didn't know how to lead it, or how to even put on a halter. He told us he had it in a tiny lot up by his house. He said his kids loved it like a dog. What he don't understand is, these animals are still able to kick and bite. Just because they are little doesn't mean they don't need respect. I sure hope that little girl doesn't get hurt.
Now for a brighter note.....
Hubby and my dad got the roof on the shelter. Looks pretty good, huh?

See Hubby can do it all. You would think he would have employers flocking to his door.

Oh, and Roz helped again.

This is what Dad is going to put under the shelter.

Oh, and this one too. Hey, notice that beware of dog sign there? I think it's funny.

Could you be afraid of this? I'm sure you could.
So until later......
Small Farm Girl, burro wrangler.
Roz is a good helper... i just love her smiles :)
That's funny yet sad about the burro, they can be mean little boogers if given the chance! Your dog is cute, she reminds me of my in-laws Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier.
Love those cars, beautiful! I can see why your Dad wants shelter for them.
The "Beware of dog" sign is a hoot, that dog looks like it would smile you to death, LOL!
Burros are cute, but many have problems with foundering and then their hooves go to heck. If your looking for protection against coyotes, why not a Llama? Although they spit a nasty stuff when mad or scared. Someone tried to pawn off a llama on us, I said no way, we don't spin wool, we don't have sheep or goats and I just don't like them, in general. Besides, with the rpice of hay who needs another mouth to feed.
Still no job connections? I bet it's like when my Dad was unemployeed a few years back. His age was a problem, but of course that was NEVER admitted because it is discrimination, so instead they said he was over qualified and they couldn't pay him according to his experience. He finally started telling them," Why don't you let me decide if I want the job for the pay offered!" Hopefully that isn't what is happening to your Dh, not the age thing, but his experience verses pay issue. Like my Dad said some sort of $$ is better than nothing and you can always keep your eyes open for something better. I remember how frustrated he was. We're still praying for a job to come avaliable for your Dh.
Hello! Thought I would stop by and check out your blog. Sounds like you enjoy life!
Great post......
Love the smile that dog had! Loved the red car even more!
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