This is what I woke up to this morning on our porch. Those little fellers have worked like maniacs to get this nest up. I don't want them on my porch, but I don't have the heart to tear it down. They worked so hard on it. If you look close, you can see the new part of the nest that is still wet. The mud is darker there on top. The birds that are building this nest are barn swallows.( See, they can't even tell the difference in a barn and our house. hehehe)
This weekend was not that eventful around here. We did get the grass mowed between the rain drops. The Shack is getting cleaner on the inside. Yay!!!! We went fishing in our pond for a couple of hours. (yes it was sprinkling) We caught some pretty good fish. I caught 4 huge bass and way to many bluegill to count. Hubby caught 1 bass and a few bluegill. I love catching more than him. ( I'm not a bit competitive) We let them go back into the water. We didn't need fish at the time, and what better way of preserving them than by letting them live?
I finally put my hummingbird feeder up. I hope those little fellers are happy. One year I counted 16 different humming birds at one time at the feeder. Wow. They were fighting so much that I had to put up another one. (Little feisty things.) The same year I stood real still with my finger up by the feeder. I waited for about 5 min and one came and landed on my finger! It was amazing! He landed on my finger so he could eat from the feeder. He must have been really hungry.
We have had soooooo much rain here this past few days. I like the rain, but I wish I could get into my garden to plant my new plants. Way to muddy. I know, I know, patience. I will probably be complaining about having to water the garden soon enough. lol
The new house is coming right along. Hubby has almost all of the studding up! I'm so excited! Next we will be running the electric wire through the walls. Getting closer. I hope we can get in there before it gets too hot. We will be living in the basement at first until we get the upstairs done and insulated. The basement is much cooler than the Shack. I don't want to have to get the air conditioner back into the window. I'm not really one for air conditioner, but with the Shack having no insulation and a tin roof, it gets REALLY hot in here. I can't keep a stick of butter on the counter. It will melt. I've had candles wilt too. Don't even get me started on the clothes dryer. Feels like an oven.
Well it's getting kind of late here, and I want to get up a little early so I can get more things done on the "to do list."
So until next time, good night.
Small Farm Girl ( bird whisperer)
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