I have had a lot of people ask about my new house. Well, here it is. Please excuse the mess. We are under construction. Hubby built this with his own two hands. He used our own trees for the lumber. He and his dad cut down trees on our land, had them sawed into lumber,and dried them. Once the lumber was dry he built our house.
We don't owe a dime on it. Now that's the only way to go! In my pre-homesteading days, I wanted to buy a pre-made house. Hubby, being the smart man that he is, didn't want to. He won. I'm glad. (DO NOT TELL HIM I SAID THAT!!!) Our house is made mostly of oak, not the pine lumber that you would get at most lumber yards today. I don't know if a hurricane could blow it down. Although we don't get hurricanes around here. The point is, it's strong.
This is a picture of the front. The back over looks our pond. Nice huh? Now we can go to sleep to the sound of the frogs singing.(Do frogs sing?)I can hardly wait until it's done. We are going to move into the basement first. We don't have the money for insulation yet. We're going to use the blow in insulation. It's made of recycled paper, not fiberglass. It will cost a little bit more, but it will save money in the long run. I'm really proud of Hubby for building our house.(Don't tell him I said that either. I have a reputation to up hold.)
Blog ya later...
Small Farm Girl,house owner.
Home, sweet home. And superb master!
What a blessing to have such a talented hubby! He's done a wonderful job it's beautiful and they very best part, IMHO, is that is is paid for in FULL! I'm sure it's been hard building it when you had time and $$ but doesn't it all feel so worth it now?
Is that chimney for a wood stove or is it a fireplace? Once you get it all construction part finished, what fun it will be to decorate it.
Thanks for sharing and tell your hubby he's one talented man, I don't have a reputation to uphold*wink*
The chimney is for a wood stove. The kind for heat, not the kind to cook on. I'm not that good yet. lol
What a great house.
What a talented hubby, too.
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