Sorry that I haven't blogged for a few days. We have had a death in the family. Our loved uncle, Hodge, has died. You really don't know what to say on an occasion like this. We all loved him very much. Then, on the same day that he died, a baby calf was born. We weren't expecting this calf at this time. It was a surprise. We thought our bull wasn't old enough to breed yet. I guess we were wrong. ( Youngster these days)
Anyway, it made me think, there is a circle of life. As much as we DON'T want to think about it, we are All going to die. I know this is a morbid subject, but it's natural. If we are trying to live an all natural life, it's one of the things that you have to think about. It's all natural. It's as natural as the little calf being born. Sure we will mourn the passing of loved ones, and we don't want to think about them leaving us, but we all have to do it sooner or later. We should take opportunities like these to reflect on the life of the deceased. Think of the fun times of life, not the sad moment of death. It's natural.
Take times like these to reflect on your own life as well. Is it going in the direction that you want it to? Are you happy? Are there things that you want to do and keep putting them off, saying'"I'll do it later?" You may not have a later. There is a country song that says "Live like you were dieing." How true!!! Now, I'm not saying go and quit your job, or go get a divorce. What I am saying is, enjoy what or who you have now. You never know, you might not have it tomorrow.
Buy the way, I'm going to name the baby calf, Hodge.
I will type some later on....
Small Farm Girl
Our sympathys for your loss. You are absolutely right about the circle of life and it is natural.
Everyone is born with a dead sentence, this is why it is important to know where your soul will be after your body dies.
I think it's wonderful you're naming the calf Hodge, what a nice tribute to your uncle.
BTW, I receieved your letter yesterday! Cortney was envious, as it's usually her who receives letters,she has several penpals. I told her, nope now I have one too!
Your question about posting something under each picture. I'll try to make this clearer than mud, LOL!!! After your pictures are on your post page, place the curser at the lefthand, bottom side of the first picture and now hit enter a couple of times. This will move the pictures down the page, so if you'd like to write a bit above the pictures. Just repeat the same with each picture and then go back up under the picture you want to say something about and type it in. Hope this helps, I'm not very computer savy, sorry.
I'll be writing you a letter sometime this week, so be on the lookout late this week, early next week. *wink*
Our sympathy for the loss of your Uncle Hodge.
So sorry for you loss. What an excellent name for you little calf.
I'm so sorry for your loss. I lost a great-uncle this past week. So true about the circle of life. Perfect name for the calf.
Thanks everyone for the wonderful comments. It's nice to know we have such a thoughful cyber-family.
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