After being three hours north of here, IT'S GOOD TO BE HOME!!!!!! The funeral was a sad occasion, but it was nice to see family that I haven't seen for a while. But as Dorthy said'"There's no place like home. There's no place like home." I use to wonder if I made a mistake moving down here. I will never wonder that again. As soon as we turned on to our small dirt road, I could feel the peace settle back in.(Big,deep, cleansing breath inserted here.) Then I looked at my garden. As you can see in the picture, we had rain. Lots and lots of rain. My poor little onions. I think they could use a little sun, don't you?
With us being gone for a few days, it was like getting a kick in the seat of our pants. We started to make a list of things we wanted to get done in the next few days. I hope we didn't go crazy on the size of the list. Oh well, have to think
big. What we have learned though, was not to take too much on too fast. We don't want to be over whelmed before we even get a good start.
Well, I'm going to quit blogging for the night. I'm going to bed.(my own bed!) I've got a lot of thing to get done tomorrow.
So for now,
Small Farm Girl, homebody.
p.s. Thanks for all the wonderful comments that were left. It's good to know I have a cyber-family out there too.
Oh my you were wet! Our soil is sandy, so puddles are rare and stick around less than 3-4 hours.
I have the very same feeling everytime we come home from the city( 68 miles to our NE), when I see the blinking light I know we're almost home. Our town is right on a main highway, so has a flashing light warning to slow down when oging through town.
Hey, is that your horse, the Walker in your header? Is it a mare or gelding?
Blessings and enjoy getting your list of things marked off.
Love your header pic! My garden looked the same way this weekend, but it's always windy at the in-laws where we have it that it dries out pretty quick. My yard, though is still one big mudhole. Makes the little one happy, though. LOL. I know what you mean about no place like home. We used to travel with our job and I had that big deep cleansing breath when we crossed back over the KY line.
It has rained lots here also and supposed to get more starting tomorrow for the rest of the week! Your onions better soak up all the sun it can today.
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