The garden has just about had it. It's croaking out it's last bit of food. In a way it's sad, but, in a way I'm doing back flips and yelling YAHOO! I'm just about done myself. Don't tell anyone, but I'm about ready for fall.
Oh yea, has anyone ever heard of being able to freeze turnips? We will have an abundance of them and I don't want them to go to waste. We don't have a root celler yet. Any suggestions would be apreciated.
Now to what me and Hubby did today. We went to a motorcycle rally. I have never seen so many motorcycles at one spot, at one time.
I have also never seen so many people that should NOT wear bikinis. Just because they make the bikini in your size, does NOT mean you have to wear it. There are images that are burned into my brain that I will probably never forget. EEEWWWWW!!!We didn't stay for more than an hour. Don't get me wrong, there were nice bikes there. There were also some people who did dress nice. It wasn't all bad. It was just soooo humid and hot, we just didn't want to stay around for long.
I had just taken this photo a few days ago and thought that I would post it today. Just so I could have a nice ending to this post. It has not been touched up or anything. I think it's beautiful. It's little things like these sunsets that me glad I live in the country.
So for now.....
Small Farm Girl, fashion guru.(LOL)
I think they could leave the bikinis at home..the sunset was beautiful...
Was that Rally in Ashland? I know what you mean about the little things the girls wear and shouldn' Sounds like you have been busy, busy busy in the kitchen!! Your sunset is beautiful!! nice photo!!!...debbie
nice pic..........
Beautiful sunset! I totally agree with your fashion sense!! LOL!
Great pic of the sunset! My wife read your comment about turnips and said there are some guides to preserving turnips on the following websites. and If you get a chance, please check our blog at
R Dean
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