Okay, now for the news......(drum roll please) Hubby has a job interview tomorrow!!!!!!YEA!!!!!!!! He filled out an application on line last night. They called him this morning. That was fast! I hope that's a good sign. He has been laid off for 9 months.(I didn't realize it had been that long until I just now added it up.) We wont know what to do with a normal sized paycheck. I'm sure I'll find something though. lol. Now, if Hubby gets this job, we might actually get to SAVE money instead of living from paycheck to paycheck. How weird will that be? So all of you out in Blog Land,please pray, cross your fingers, wish him luck, knock on wood,or do a little job dance. lol. But we both have decided, if it is meant for him to have this job, he will get it.
I'll keep you up to date.
Until later.....
Small Farm Girl, hopeful
What wonderful news!! I know you both must be so happy! Just getting to interview is a big deal. Our son has been out of work since Dec. 12 th and has not found any thing yet, so I know how excited you must be!! Will keep in in my prayers and cross my fingers and do a dance...debbie
That's two pieces of good news in a row. :)
Oh I hope it works out! But like you said, if its meant to be....
God has His plan, and which ever way the interview goes, it will be part of it. 9 months! That's got to have been a bit of a strain. Bless both your hearts. There are so many people out of work, and I tend to forget it. Everytime I start to resent being on the road, I need to remember to just be thankful that God has provided this great opportunity for us!
I will pray my DH hs been looking for a job to no word yet but we have been praying so we will add you to the list
SFG, I hope your husbands job interview went well!
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