Now, we have a St. Bernard. He's really easy to take care of. He even does his "business" out in the pasture. Out of the 5 years that we have had him, he hasn't "gone" in our yard. Until.......(get ready) I wore my new boots out to feed the chickens. He not only "went" in our yard, he "went" in the path from our house to the chicken house. Let's just say the new boots are broke in.
Here is some photos of our new calf that was born last Thursday.
We decided to call him "Sir Loin of Beef."
Then, we went out Monday and found another calf had been born. It's a bull too! We are calling him T-Bone. I'll post pictures of him later too. But, he pretty much looks like Sir Loin of Beef.
My plan is to blog tomorrow but, I know how things happen. So if I don't,
Small Farm Girl, new stinky boot owner.
Ahhh calf is cute. Like the names!!
We love Fat baby boots!! They fit my fat little legs!Lol Of course my girls dont have fat little legs anymore since they are teen/preteen. But we love them. We all have one pair and working on getting another pair each.
Never heard of Fat Baby Boots!you need to post a photo,they sound interesting,Lol.
Its 8am Christmas morning here in Australia,looks like its going to be a hot and humid one!
So Merry Christmas ! and all very best for 2010.
I never heard of Fat Baby Boots either. What are they? You mean Barn Boots? Are they red? Yellow? or poopy brown? Are they fuzzy inside? You MUST tell us!! The calves are darling!! What a nice Christmas present!! 2 bulls! wow! Hope your day tomorrow is fun and jolly! ...debbie
Merry Christmas from our farm to yours SFG!
Thanks for the Christmas wishes. I'm going to make a post about my Fat Baby boots. Keep watching for it.
Sretan Božić i Nova 2010. godina!
Happy Christmas and New Year, 2010. and the guests on the lovely blog!
Merry Christmas! You look like you are in a white wonderland, too! Laughed about where, and what, you stepped in with your new boots! I love my Ariat Probabys, don't have Fatbabies yet. I'm glad you had a great family time!
Love your baby cows name! Can't wait to see those boots!
Forgot to mention I love your picture at the top!
SFG ~ I'm glad I stumbled upon your Blog. I'm enjoying your pictures and posts. Really like the looks of that hefty new calf.
Congrats on the new calves, the new boots and the wonderful snow and Christmas you've had!
word verification: stinksy
Sounds like what was on the bottom of your new boots. lol!
Enjoyed the post, Best Wishes for the New Year
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