Monday, July 21, 2014

Meet Little Hershey

This is little Hershey.
This was as close as I could get to the cattle for a while.  There are times where I can get real close, but I think they knew that I wanted them to come close.  So of course, they stayed far away for a while.  The black cattle are the ones I can get closer too.  They are newer to the bunch.  One is our breeder bull, the other is going to be relocating to our freezer real soon. He was born last year on the farm.  He's going to be one tasty beef.

Hershey was born around the 4th of July.

So, she's at the age where she's getting a little spunky and likes to kick up her heels.  She's going to be staying around here as a breeding cow.  Hopefully she will be a little easier to tame than her mommy.  Her brother was.  Now if I can just get her to come when I call.  The older cows have lived on the good grass around here for so long, they don't really like sweet feed.  It's hard to convince them to come and try some.  The younger ones will try it so I have been able to get closer to them.  We shall see if I can get them trained to come to my voice.  

So until next time,

Small Farm Girl, keeper of the herd


Sandy Livesay said...


Hershey is adorable, and spunky!!!!
I hope Hershey trains real easy for you. Congrats!!!

Vera said...

Little Hershey is a darling! Hope she trains up OK.