Looks all nice and innocent huh? That is, until they get in your garden and eat your tomatoes!!!!! This means war!!!!
We already have a fence up. It's made with cattle panels so it's at least 4 1/2 feet tall. Doesn't event slow them down. So tonight, Hubby and I are getting some of our old electric fence posts and bringing them out about 5 feet from the panels. Then we are stringing up fishing line. I've heard that this works. The deer doesn't see the line and when they get ready to jump the fence, they walk into it and it scares them. Hopefully that will help. We shall see.
I'm also going to make us a scare crow. Well, technically it's going to be a scare deer since we haven't had much problems with the local crows. I'm going to put aluminum pie pans for the scare deer's hands. The idea is the wind will blow them and they will scare the deer. Everyday I'm going out and moving the it to a different spot. That way, it will keep the deer on their toes/hooves. I'm not going to have deer ruin our garden that will be our main source of food this coming year. They have miles and miles of grass and trees to eat from. They don't have to jump the fence just for MY tomatoes.
If the fishing line doesn't work, I think I'm going to put in a trip wire with bottle rockets attached. One way or another, these deer aren't getting my tomatoes!!!!
So until next time,
Small Farm Girl, deer roast anyone?
If you do have the ability to put up an electric fence the deer usually respect it. At least they do when it is around my corn. After the deer started leaving my corn alone I put up the electric fence wire around some lettuce that they were eating, but didn't have a fence charger for that part. The deer are leaving this alone too.
I'm pretty sure that deer can clear 9' easily and 10 is where they start to have problems. Good luck!
lol I have heard that the two layer fence system works for deer. Might want to do a search on Mother Earth News's website to see if they have the particular article available still. I don't remember what they used now.
Good luck!
we live in a close association and the deer jump our fence and eat our ornamental flowers and plants. Best to you!
We do have a solar charger we can use. And we will, if this doesn't work. I just wanted to spare our St. Bernard for a while. :-)
Thanks Sarah, we are going to need it.....
My Dad has used the two layered fencing on his garden with great success.
Thanks JMD!
We used to aim our motion sensor lights over by the garden, this usually scares them off.
My grandmother used to hang empty cans together (I guess you could say like a wind chime) to make noise to scare them off.
Good luck!!! Hey and if that doesn't work.......I know where to go for dinner :-)
Some people take Irish spring soap, put it in a mesh bag or pantyhose and hang around the garden, supposedly they hate the smell. I use hair, I tie my hair from my brush on the fences, and brush out the dog and sprinkle it around the garden. I have to do it every few days for it to work, but the dog doesn't mind.
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