Sunday, November 7, 2010

Can't Have Just Two.

I had every intention to post some "before" pictures of the house. I promise!!!! But,(you knew it was coming) I can't find the cable that goes from the camera to the computer. AUUGGGHHH!!! That is the worst thing about moving, you can never find what you need! It's really driving me crazy. So far I have lost my winter coat, one(that's right, one) boot, and only a million other things. So as soon as I find the cable, I promise to post some pictures on here. lol.

One good thing that has happened, we got another goat. It's just like Lay's potato chips, you can't have just one. Or, in my case, you can't have just two. Since the goats are down at Hubby's dad's house, people can drive by and see them. A few days ago someone stopped at their house and asked if they wanted a goat just like the ones they had. My MIL told them they would. She knew I would take it. hehe

The goat had had a baby one year ago. Momma and baby live together at their house. One day a dog decided he wanted to eat baby goat, and did. Next day dog decided he wanted to eat Momma goat. He tried. The owners of the goat stopped the dog from doing any real damage to Momma goat. She still has some bites on her neck.

The owner decided that they couldn't keep the goat in a place where it could be hurt, so they asked my MIL if she wanted the goat. I'm so glad she said yes. We now have the sweetest, little, cuddly goat. One that can be bred any time now. Yea!!!! Goat milk soon!!!!!

This week me and Hubby plan on building the goat pen. That way we will have the goats at our house. And if I can find the camera cable, I'll be able to post some goat pictures. Double yea!!!

So until next time,

Small Farm Girl, goat collector.


Anonymous said...

That's a very sad story! poor mama goat! Your cable will show up eventually...when your not looking for it! I've never had goats milk. Just goat's milk soap, that I don't think has any goats milk??? Have no clue...debbie

Tonia said...

Moving is the pits! Glad you were able to rescue the little goat. I would check her over really well on those bites to make sure they are healing okay. Congrats on rescuing her and so happy the former owner used common sense and tried to find her a new home!
I was goin to have just 2 does for milk using a neighbors buck when they needed bred.. Last count I am Down to 16... With 6 bred for next February!lol SO just beware!Lol

taylorgirl6 said...

I have to stop myself from collecting things like goats. The other day I caught myself looking at shelter dog photos again...

Donna. W said...

Just make sure your fence is tall enough to keep goats in. Cliff more or less told me to choose between him and the goats, so the goats left.

Denise said...

Have to tell you if your hubby helped packed, all those things are probably in one box...and its the last one you'll look in ;)

~mel said...

I just popped in while out blog hopping ~ and enjoyed my visit. Now I want a goat!!

V.L. Locey said...

And so the goat collecting begins in earnest! They are addictive little creatures. Good luck with the new caprine!

Nancy said...

I can't seem to stay at one or two of anything... the more the merrier! Glad you are able to take in the little one.

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Poor goat!

So glad to know I'm not the only one who who can't find things and I don't even has the excuse that I moved, LOL!!!!

You'll find your stuff and we'll be watching for pictures*wink*

Grandpa said...

Funny how similar things can happen to different people living thousands of miles apart: I lost my upload cable for my old camera where I had all the 'before' photos - farm house being built, etc. My kid goat Jane Doe was chased and bitten by Ella the rottie - she now has torn ears and walks on three legs...tsk,tsk

Mrs Pretzel said...

I have two goats at the moment. Just butchered our first goat for meat... I'm raising for milk and meat, and I'm hoping to be able to stop at four does. lol (four keepers, and of course kids to be rehomed or raised to butcher weight)

thecrazysheeplady said...

We definitely need some pictures out there! ;-)