Saturday, March 3, 2012


What a night we had here in Ky!  Tornadoes EVERYWHERE! Towns just down the road were hit, buildings were demolished, and debris was strewn all over. Our little farm escaped unharmed. We had some hail, but no damage. We were one of the lucky ones. 


DebH said...

glad your well and safe! I think of all the people who lost loved ones and trying to sort out the disaster. I feel for them. Storms and tornadoes leave a person pretty shaken and it lasts a long long time. I have them in my thoughts.

thecrazysheeplady said...

Tim (you know, map boy ;-) wondered if your were hit. Glad all is okay there!

Felinae said...

I am glad to hear that you guys made it through the storms unscathed.


The Kelly's Adventures in KY said...

Very glad to hear you guys made it out ok!!

~Dawn~ said...

Glad all is well up your way. We live in Castalian Springs, TN near the KY border. All is well here too!

Anonymous said...

Glad you didn't have any damage. We were lucky too!! We only had high winds and a little bit of hard rain and it went away very quickly!! Thank goodness!! ...debbie

Donna. W said...

When you live in tornado country, it's always a relief to have the storms on the other side.

Muffy's Marks said...

I am so thankful you were not hurt or your property damaged. Stay safe.

Anonymous said...

bless your heart and thank goodness. here in n.e. mississippi, everyone was prepared from cities, schools, churches and neighborhoods just in case we got caught in the storms that passed through..we were lucky too. my thoughts and prayers are with your neighbors and others who have suffered this terrible time.

granny said...

It made the news here in Australia! Good to hear you are A-Okay :0)

SweetLand Farm said...

glad you guys made out alright!

Candy C. said...

What a horrible storm sytem! I'm so glad you guys are okay!

angela said...

Glad to hear your ok. Stay safe

Denise said...

We made it through OK too! The tornados were just down the road though. I heard it sounded just like a jet plane. Stayed in the closet cause its the most interior place in our house and just kept praying. Glad you guys made out OK too :)

Melissa said...

Glad to hear you're OK! Tornadoes terrify me...