Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Question of the Day

If you had a million dollars, would you live the same lifestyle that you live now?

Small Farm Girl, question asker.


V.L. Locey said...

You know SFG I probably would. Although I`d have a bigger house and barns, but I couldn`t imagine not having some critters around!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I would buy some of the property around me, a tractor, build two barns. One with a small living quarters upstairs, a extra outdoor shower. Outdoor kitchen, a wrap around porch on my existing house. A big greenhouse, a pond. As you can see I would spend my money building a more sustainable homestead. Oh, I would also invest in some gold among a few other investments.

Faith said...

Same lifestyle, maybe even more natural. I'd like to get back to farming with horses rather than tractors. Tractors eventually break down and need parts. Horses, with care, are reproductive and go on, theoretically, forever. I'd like to be COMPLETELY self-sufficient if possible.


Melodie said...

YES! Only better set up and in a more remote place!

Unknown said...

Yes and No. I would continue to live a simple life, not throwing out like I had been. I would want to live further out from the city and have chickens..not a bigger home but a home that was more pratical for a simplier life like a root celler and a food pantry and would like a small barn..Lisa

Anonymous said...

If I had a million dollars: I would live the same life style, put enough money in the Bank for 4 years of college for my grand girls, give some to my friend in California who is having a tough life and the rest I would bank for retirement. ...debbie

Aunt Krissy said...

Yes, but also no. It can't be the same life. I would get more land, more animals and with that comes more other things. Life style would change. For one thing, maybe no money worries aut them when you needed something, you would just buy it. Before you had the money maybe you would do without and figure out how to get around that problem. Right there is a change.

simply_complicated said...

nope. i'd be buying a chunk of land and building a house, then using the remainder to live off of for as many years as possible!

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Yep....i just pay off the bills and stay right here!!


The Kelly's Adventures in KY said...

Oh yes. We might look into some adjacent property, but just not having to worry about the finances anymore - having the house paid off, not worrying about calling a vet if one of the animals needs help - would be a huge lift. I am sure we would both still work, though probably doing more meaningful things. Afterall what does a data miner really contribute to the world? Need anymore stats? What would you do SFG?

Christi said...

I think I'm about like everyone else...stay about the same, but improve buildings, equipment, etc. Wow, it's a great thought though!!

Anonymous said...

I would stick with my lifestyle, just pay off the bills but continue to work, etc. It's nice to get away, I'd just get myself out of debt and then invest so that I could have a good retirement! a million dollars goes by fast, especially in times like this!

Felinae said...

Yes, I believe I would live the same lifestyle.

Some of the money would go to pay off the bills, we'd sell the house and then we'd get out of CA. Buy a home with some land where we could have chickens and a bigger garden.

It would be nice, less stress, oh if only :)

(SFG, this is a really good question, would you mind if I pose the same question on my blog sometime?)

Melissa E said...

Definitely, except maybe relocate to a large farm (hubby wants to move to a ranch in Montana!) instead of our current 1-acre plot, pay off some student loans, and prepare for retirement! Great question!

komar said...

of course - does not
Would have everything I need! :)

goatmilker said...

Yes I would.The only thing I would do different is have better living quaters for my animals and a better setup for milking. I love being right here on the farm doing what we are doing.

small farm girl said...

Thanks for commenting guys! I will post about what I would do later. If anyone wants to put this question on their blog, go for it! I love all the different answers.

Denise said...

No. I would buy a farm, install solar panels and hubby and I would quit our jobs so we could take care of all the animals we would have! Wow what a nice dream...now I have to get back to work...

Donna. W said...

I'd probably live the same lifestyle except that I'd like to travel more than I get to now. I'd have a new house built, but nothing huge or fancy.

Cat said...

Mostly the same, I would have a decent barn built, but Husband and I have found WHERE we like, WHAT we like, so why change? I think there would be a few things I might work on, some education on some topics that might help me work around here better, and perhaps some purchases to make the place more self sufficent (for emergencies, but solar and such for everyday, too, perhaps), so. Eh. :)


granny said...

Id live the same way..but do all the repairs on our old house..oh that would be so good!

duckidaho said...

If I had a million dollars I'd farm until it was all gone.

Meadowlark said...

I'd move from this city (90k - it's big to me) further out with more property, get some animals, but surprisingly probably still keep the new sales job 'cause actually, I kinda like it! :)


thecrazysheeplady said...

We'd stay right here. I wouldn't even get a new car. It would be nice to remodel the house and barn though and hire someone to clean the house. I can keep the barn clean ;-).

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Yes....100%! A million dollars isn't much these days anyway. I'd be sure to have a bigger barn and add a couple more horses to our ranch. I'd also sign up for more lessons and rides, but I think I'd also do more traveling with my kids, especially camping and hiking trips.

How 'bout you?


Texan said...

yes I would live the same lifestyle,,, though I would probably live on more land in a more remote location :O)