Monday, February 24, 2014

Let the Girls Free!!!!

I was reading one of the many "homesteading" magazines the other day, and came across a very interesting article.


Anyway,  I was reading this article about how wearing a bra can cause breast cancer.  What?????  I've wore a bra, well, almost all my life!   I'm one of those women that went from a training bra to a size D over night.  Then add on extra weight and WOW, massive bahoogas!   But for the purpose of getting the most information to my followers, I decided to do an experiment.  I was going to sacrifice my body by going bra-less. (For information purposes only, of course.)

So today I got up and got dressed.  It's weird not putting on a bra.  I felt, well, naked.  But because I was doing this for you guys, I pressed on. :0)  I will tell you, it's not as warm as wearing a bra, but it's not horrible either.  As I went about doing my daily chores, I noticed things were, um, different.  Things like, when I was dipping water from our cistern to give to the animals, when I was leaning over the block wall, the girls got in the way and they kept getting smashed against the blocks.  Ouch!  Also without the extra protection from the bra, hay pokes places that are not use to getting poked.  Double ouch!!!(Believe me, that dose NOT feel good.)  And as I was riding the four wheeler checking on the animals, well, let's just say the girls would not behave.  If someone would have been watching, they would have had a sight to see.

Speaking of sights to see, the UPS guy just "happened" to pick that day to deliver a package that we'd been waiting for.  Talk about an awkward situation.  I think for me more than for the driver.  So from that point on, I decided the experiment was over.  I believe I can sleep without a bra, but going all day without one, not only felt weird, but it was uncomfortable.  Maybe girls with smaller breast could do it, but my bahoogas are way too big to be let loose.  I don't want to hurt anyone, myself included.  So for the sake of not injuring someone, the bra will be back.

So until next time,

Small Farm Girl, bra wearer.


The Kelly's Adventures in KY said...

HAHA!! Hilarious! I do think there is truth in that whole bra-wearing could contribute to cancer, BUT I think they are referring to wired bra's. I believe wireless bra's are a-ok - which is what I have put my stake in! Maybe try a wireless for a few weeks see how that suits you. At least the ladies will be kept in check a little, but still be wire-free!

Anonymous said...

As a double-D myself, I am VERY uncomfortable with a bra. This whole "study" seems suspect to me, just like the French "study" which claimed that if women went without bras, they would sag less because they would have more "natural support". I thought National Geographic taught us all about that years ago.

small farm girl said...

The article said the act of binding the breast is what causes the cancer. As for underwire? Well, they don't make enough underwire fore my girls. I wear wireless already.

Carol said...

Love this!

I recently had a conversation on my private blog about wearing bras v. not wearing bras.

This winter was the first time in my life I have gone bra-less at home once in awhile. But I always wear one when I go out, and I like wearing bras. I feel like you did - naked - without one. Plus I don't like feeling floppy and sloppy.

I think the cancer thing is relevant with regard to the lymph fluids. So I dont' sleep with one on, and I never wear bras w/underwires, but finding non-underwire bras with DDs is difficult, I tell you!

Sarah said...

I read the same article and thought it sounded very valid. The lymph system is meant to be able to drain and move things as needed. I personally hate wear the darn things anyway! :)

DFW said...

Now that's funny. Thanks for the laugh today.

small farm girl said...

Carol,I don't know. It seems like EVERY time I don't wear one, someone comes for a visit.....

Sarah, I thought it did too.

DFW, Your welcome! :0)

Sandy Livesay said...

Small Farm Girl,
You made me laugh today Small Farm Girl. I've worn a bra most of my life and never had a problem (they were always under wire).

Like you, I'm not much into running around without the bra on. Now at night, I do sleep without one.

It's hard to run around here with all the guys hanging out at the house.

Robbyn said...

hahahaha....UPS.....HAHAHAHA!!! well I'm on the other end of the spectrum but I still feel uncomfortable without one EXCEPT when I can wear a sweatshirt over a tee or something. Not that gravity doesn't does...but in my case the girls aren't as bountiful so I'm the only one who probably notices anything's amiss....LOL thanks for the total chuckle of the day, and offering yourself for the sake of science, HA!

Ashlee said...

I am totally with you on the whole, training bra to larger than life boobies. I just can't have a regular day without wearing a bra. I mean, if I'm home sick all day, or feeling super lazy and don't do much, then the girls might get a break from their straight-jacket, but ordinarily, they must be contained!

What got me in your blog today was you can sleep without a bra... Are there really women who SLEEP in their BRA?!?!?! I could never do that, how uncomfortable! There is nothing better than letting them fly free at the end of the day! Like taking off your shoes after a whole day of walking!

small farm girl said...

Sandy, they don't make underwire big enough for me. :0)

Robbyn you are so lucky......

Ashlee, at first I thought it was weird that there were people out there that wore their bra to bed. But, the more I looked into it, I realized there are a lot of people that do! I couldn't imagine!!! That is one place that I just HAVE to let those puppies loose!!!

Donna. W said...

Before my breast reduction, it was uncomfortable to let the girls hang loose. Nowadays, I love the freedom I have. I don't have to wear a bra! I will agree, though, that a bra keeps you warmer in winter. Who knew?

The Milk Maid said...

My girls are of the smaller version so braless is for me. I hate to wear one and only put one on when I go out or for certain visitors. In the winter with many layers no one can notice the difference on me. I was giggling through your blog, cute!

Unknown said...

Hahaha.... What a subject (guy here)... I've gotta chime in. My woman hasnt ever worn a bra more than 1/2 dozen times (her daughters wedding for one) The girls are not small - not real big either (she really hasn't had a fitting ever in her life) She wears what I would call extra modist? Clothing (can't get her to show more?) ... Which by what I see isn't a bad thing?... The common women today leaves little to the imagination ... They advertise quit well with bright colors and deep v cuts ... I gotta say (man thought here) I was suprized at how well it works ... From my side of things it's ok.
Even tho I'm not dead yet and do apriciate a good view now and again?

small farm girl said...

You are sooooo lucky!!!!! Lol

small farm girl said...

T Harley, you made me laugh today. Thank you! I ALWAYS love a guys perspective on things. :-)

Ashlin said...

You should try a camisole with a built-in shelf bra. I switched after the baby and never went back!