Wednesday, January 16, 2013

It's That Time Of Year Again

It's that time of year again!!!!! Time to think about gardening!!! YAY!!!!!  I love this time of year. I think it's a time for dreamers. And I, my friends, am a dreamer. So that, is where I have a problem. I dream bigger than what my butt can deliver. I promised myself that this year I would not over do it. And when I say "over do it", I mean "don't plant a huge garden and not take care of it because I'm over whelmed".  This year I'm actually going smaller. But, by going smaller, I plan on getting a bigger yielding garden.I would plant so many tomato plants that I would get over whelmed watering them and weeding them every day. So this year I plan on cutting the number of tomato plants in half. That way, I can concentrate on growing them right. More, isn't always better. I also plan on putting fence around the garden this year. That way I won't have to worry about Jack digging in the soft ground like George did last year. Plus, I won't have to worry about deer snacking on my corn. And when I say "snacking," I'm really saying "Eating the whole crop!!!!" Now, if I can only stop the crows from getting to them. sigh.....

One good thing good about living where we do is we have at least seven greenhouses around us that grow starter plants. Some, even grow heirloom plants. We are good friends with a couple that own one of these greenhouses. We get GREAT deals on our plants. If there are certain kinds of plants that we want, we just tell them. They will grow it for us.  Now I could start these seeds, but I'm supporting a local business plus, they do a REALLY good job a starting seeds. Since they have the greenhouses and they are all temperature controlled, they can start earlier. Another good thing is they are only 3 miles from our house. It's nice to have friends in "green" places. lol

So in the next few weeks, I'm going to try and figure out what kind of veggies that I want to grow in our garden. I do this by thinking of things that I want to preserve through the summer. I'm thinking tomatoes, of course, cucumbers for pickles, onions and corn.  Those are the basics. We still have tons of green beans from last year so I think I'm not going to plant them. That is unless I want to sell them. A half a bushel of beans sold for $37.50  last year. That was the lowest price that we could find. Cha Ching!!!!Haha! I'm sure I'll be planting other things too, just not sure what yet.

I also want to plant some herbs. But, these will be planted in either containers or my herb garden that I'm planning on having started. That is, if I can get a fence put around it. Jack is beginning to be a pain. lol. Well, I was wanting to do it anyway.

So, I'm going to dream away about my busy spring coming up. I just hope I'm not dreaming too big again. lol. What are you planning on planting in YOUR garden?

So until next time,

Small Farm Girl, once again, dreaming.


Carolyn said...

I haven't even started looking at my seed catalogs.....because I haven't received a SINGLE one! I'm kind'a sad about it, although honestly, I usually order online so I don't blame the companies for not sending me a paper catalog. Although I have to admit I miss flipping through actual pages

thecrazysheeplady said...

I just watched the Kentucky Life episode about the lavender farm just north of here. Think I'm sticking with the flowers and herbs again this year :-)

Candy C. said...

It IS getting to be that time isn't it?!? I need to decide what I'm going to plant this year too. I'm cutting back on the number of tomato plants myself! ;)

Donna. W said...

Only about two months till spring!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I just want to stop by and say HI. I'm your newest follower. I googled small farm blogs and yours popped up. :-) I want a little farm so bad. Hubby and I are starting to talk and make plans to get out of our current situation and move to a much simpler life. All I want to do is read, read, read about anything small farm. Thanks for writing about your experiences.

small farm girl said...

Thanks Navy Wife! Glad your on board this crazy journey with me!