It will soon be that time of the year. The time when we'll be receiving the seed catalogs in the mail. I LOVE getting these. They are usually full of hopes and dreams of what next years garden is going to look like. I'd look through them and ooooh and aaaaah over how pretty all the vegetables looked, but I would never actually read about the vegetables. I wouldn't even buy any seeds from the magazines. This year I'm hoping things will be different. My plans, as of right now, is to actually study the magazines. I'm actually going to look at what these different veggies have to offer. Are they open pollinated? Are they heirloom? Are they going to give me plenty of food for the time that I'll be putting in them? These are some of the questions that I'm going to be answering for myself.
Most years I've gotten most of my seeds from the local farm store. Now don't get me wrong, there's nothing wrong with some of these seeds. A lot of the farm stores around here carry heirloom seeds, so I usually try to get them. But, these stores usually carry the same seeds every year. Granted, it's usually the seeds that sell the best for a reason. I'm just ready for a change. We plan on planting some of the seeds that we KNOW we love, but I'm also going to try seeds that we have never tried before. For instants, we like green beans, but we are getting a little tired of Blue Lake bush beans. In fact, we have jars of them left from year before last. We are going to try half runners or pole beans. We're going to try making leather britches this year so I have to find a good bean for them. We also are going to try dried beans. We LOVE eating soup beans but I've never planted any before. I can't wait to try all different types.
We aren't just going to stop at beans. We're going to try different corn and different tomatoes and different onions and peppers. The list is going to be hard to narrow down. We're still going to stick with some good standard plants in part of the garden but, we are also going to have an experimental section. I feel like a mad scientist. (Insert evil laugh!)
Do you have a favorite vegetable that you grow?
So until next time,
Small Farm Girl, experimenter
Sweet 100 or Sweet 1000 tomotoes. Yum! Also, try cooking your green beans in with a roast. Nothing better in my opinion.
I'll keep those tomatoes in mind. Thank you! I also have made the green beans in with a roast. We like it! We are just wanting to try different things..... :-)
I love those catalogs. Just like the tool catalogs I get, I grab a sharpie, have a seat and start marking. Do I ever order, no. My seed bank will last several more years and then harvesting the seeds every year adds to it, but it's still fun.
Hey, go check out the "Seed Swap" at the top of my blog if you want any of the seeds I have, even if you don't have any to swap, I'd be happy to send you some! :)
You are a bit farther north than I am, but try the yard long green beans. You and I seem to be travelling a similar path. I find the joy is in the process.
I also have a couple of turkeys I raised this year. They are fun. Don't leave the chicken coop door open. I had a hawk get in there and I had to catch it. Now I know what a fish feels like on a hook. :(
I hope to try different things this year. I'm feeling adventurous. Lol
Thanks Carolyn! I'll try just about anything right now. Well, almost anything. :)
It sure does sound like we are on the same path. I've been caning food for years, just want to try something different.
The hawk sounds uh, adventurous! Lol
Experimenting is one of my favorite ways to learn. I like to buy seeds from R.H. Shumway's. They have good prices and a large selection of heirloom and open pollinated seeds. They also have some things I haven't seen from other companies. I can read on their site or in their catalog for hours. Have fun!
I'm actually looking forward to it! Thanks for the suggestion, I'll check it out!
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