Wednesday, August 15, 2012

So Many.....

I've been gone from the blogging scene for a while, a few weeks, in fact. So many things are going on in the world and in MY world, that I didn't even know what subject I should write about first. So I guess this blog post will just be all jumbled up. (Like it always is. lol)

Around the farm... We have just been trying to get somethings done before fall and winter comes around. Fencing and such. Nothing abnormal. We have been canning beans and beans and beans. (Did I mention beans?) That is the only thing that done well in our garden. So if nothing else, we will be able to eat green beans this winter. We went to farmers market and produce auctions to see how much veggies were going for around here. The tomatoes and corn were normal prices. Can you guess how much the green beans were? $85 a bushel!!!!!! If I didn't can everything we grow, I could make a fortune!

Some bad news from the farm..... We are going to have to get rid of George.  He went after our neighbors(on their own property). Once after the grandpa and one time after the kids as they were walking to the school bus. We saw it both times. We tried calling him back, but he acted like he didn't even hear us. The last time, when he went after the kids, Hubby chased him down with our car to get him away from them. George has just gotten too unpredictable to have around. Last night he chased our goats until they couldn't run anymore. They just stood there panting.  I've had enough. If  he's not going to be an asset to the farm, he has to go.

Now for news from around the world......

Is anyone else getting scared yet?  Democrats and Republicans fighting for what's best for our country. Major drought in our farm lands. And, rumors of economy collapsing. What happened to our wonderful country?

I could go on and on about these topics so I'll just leave that for other posts, but feel free to comment on how you feel about them. lol

So until next time,

Small Farm Girl, observer.


~mel said...

Beans for $85 a bushel! May as well be $800 a bushel ~ who can afford to pay those kind of prices? I seriously don't know what I would do if it weren't for my garden and my canning and freezing. Yes, it's work; but just think of the money saved and the health benefits of knowing what you're actually eating.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Wow 85 a bushel, I had to work hard to get 30 here and one place offered me less than last year, only 20 per bushel, I told them they weren't worth picking at that price and left, I heard that they were turning people away as they had not beans, too bad. Anyway it is hard to pick a bushel in 90+ degree heat and they probably couldn't find any pickers.

sista said...

I think a lot of people are either getting nervous or ignoring that there is a problem. Maybe they are thinking the great whatevers will fix it. I don't think that is going to happen. I believe the dollar is being artificially shored up until after the election then watch out. We could be in for a very long and rough ride. The U.S. has been borrowing for ages with no hope of ever paying it back. It is how our things like medicare etc. is paid for. The debt ceiling is coming up again and overseas investors are giving us the hairy eyeball. I certainly wouldn't loan someone money that had no intention or ability to pay it back. Guess we will see what happens but I am doing what I can to prep for it. Thanks god our house is paid for.

Farmgirlwanabe said...

Good day -have been following your blog for awhile.i feel for all of you down in the drought areas. We have had one here up about until a week ago when we started to get much needed rain. surprisingly our beans did ok but they get some shade in the afternoon. Hope it all gets better for you all down south .

Denise said...

Expect prices will be even higher next few years what with the drought this year. I'm going to try canning some chicken. Need to have something to eat when there won't be any on the shelves or if there is it will be too highly priced. Remember most politicians are in it for the power and money and that's all government is this days power and money. Sad they've lost their souls.

V.L. Locey said...

Wow, that is some pricey beanage. Thank goodness we have a garden and raise our own meat.

Candy C. said...

Sorry about George, but it sounds like you are doing the right thing.
Yep, scared here too...

Carolyn said...

Beans, one of the few things that grew during the drought (with major supplemental watering of course) are numerous, but they are the toughest I've ever had! I'm tempted to just pull up all the plants and throw them to the goats they are that bad. Wonder if canning will make them more palatable?

Peacemom said...

I think the best we can do is prepare the best we can for the coming problems. I can't believe there are still folks who have their head in the sand going about their lives and not even realizing that change is a comin', it's pretty scary indeed. For our part, we are doing the best we can to get prepared skill and food wise, what more can we do?

Katidids said...

I totally agree with Peacemom and the others, rough times are coming. I've been using a lot of depression era cook books trying simpler recipes but most are what we eat anyway. I had beans out the ears and squash but not much else for calorie food survive the heat. We are expanding the garden and stashing/storing up what we can. I do think like any family in a financial crunch the government will have to do some serious belt tightening. It just really tickes me off to pay for those to sit on their rumps for unlimited time frames and not have to job hunt/work. The same type of person says Oh, you have blackberry jam? I want some! Sure, come help pick and process them and you can take some home.....well, their tune changes realllly fast! I'm tired of those in office wanting to take what we have sweat for to give to those who we are equal. PFFT! Go to the USSR if that's how you want to live! Sorry, off my soap box now