Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Clothes Line Perils

Oh, the perils of hanging clothes on the line. I like hanging my clothes on the line. Let me clarify, I LOVE hanging my clothes on the line. It's relaxing, it keeps the house cooler, and(maybe it's just in my head) I feel like they are cleaner. (Other than when the dogs poop under the clothes line. That's a whole other story.)

Anyway, as I was putting on my shirt this morning, I felt this sharp sting under my arm. Ok, a little lower, it was more on the side of the boob. (Sorry men folk. This post is going to be about my boob.) Instantly I knew what it was. WASP!!!!!!! I jerked my shirt off (good thing I was alone in the house.) and out flew the little bugger.  After I hopped around yelling, "Ouch,ouch,ouch!!,"(no Mom, I didn't cuss. lol) I knew that wasp had to DIE!

I looked and looked, I couldn't find a fly swatter. Why, well, because I cleaned my house this weekend. Never fails, I put things up and then can't find them. That's why I keep my house dirty. Yea, that's it.  Anyway, I finally found one to kill it with. As I was starting to swing at it, the head of the fly swatter fell off. Nice. I did finally find something  and yes, it died. But, not before it had already done it's damage. My boob was starting to swell.

Now, most people would have liked this. I'm not one of them. My boobs are too big as is. Now I'm gonna have to put up with a bigger one. Plus it's lopsided. Great. On top of that, it HURTS! So I do what I was taught to do. Grab some plantain, chew it up, place it on the sting. Hey, it worked! It quit stinging! Now, I have this awful taste in my mouth. Blaaaaaa. Not only an awful taste, but bits and pieces of plantain that will not come out. I rinsed and repeated a million times. I still could not get those bits and pieces out of my mouth.

After all was said and done, I will survive. But, I do now know that I will have to check my clothes before I put them on. Even if they were shaken out and folded and in my clothes drawer for 3 days. You just never know when you will get stung on the boob.

So until next time,

Small Farm Girl, lop-sided.


KatB said...

Oh, no! That's horrible. But funny! But horrible. I got bit on the boob by an earwig one time after hanging my clothes out on the line. And also, I just started reading about how cool plantain is, but yeah, no one mentioned it tastes like poo. Great story - sorry about the lopsy boob, though! :)

Anonymous said...

Yikes!! Sure hoped you caught and killed that bugger!! Don't they die anyway after they sting something? Hope so. I am going to have to google plantain because I don't know what it is!! Sorrry you got bitten...guess a lesson learned that day....debbie

Carolyn said...

I agree; funny, but horrible! I try to shake out every piece of laundry, but have been surprised by an insect on more than one occasion, just recently while folding & putting away Paul's underwear I found a hidden wasp! Now that would have hurt! Although not as much as a boob-sting :)

small farm girl said...

Kristen, plantain doesn't really taste "horrible." It just wouldn't get out of my mouth. lol

Debbie, wasp don't die after they sting. They can sting and sting and sting. Honey bees are the ones that die after stinging.

Carolyn Renee, I don't know if my Hubby will agree that a boob sting hurts worse than a.... well, you know. lol.

Denise said...

Weird things always happen to you dont they? LOL. Guess you'll have to pad the other side (with kleenexs of course) ROTFLMBO.

small farm girl said...

Denise, I'm glad you said kleenex. I wasn't going to get another bee. lol

~Kim at Golden Pines~ said...

I had that same thing happen while outside a couple of years ago. I ran down my driveway screaming and pulling off my shirt--This is when it's good to not have a neighbor! :-)

I hope that the soreness goes away quickly!!

SweetLand Farm said...

OUCH! Been stung there before myself. Kinda funny at the same time!
If I don't bring my clothes in off the line early enough I have bees and bugs on my clothes, I just stick them in the dryer for 10-15 min.

Anonymous said...

lol, stuff happens all the time...around here we have been plagued by ticks..a few years ago it was hornets-and those hornet stings hurt..i spent about twenty minutes under the cold water outdoor spigot trying to recover from a hornet attack..nothing like being sore and sopping wet. i love to hang my laundry out too and only use the dryer in the most inclement weather. hope you recover from your sting soon.

Candy C. said...

OUCHY!! Let this be a lesson to ALL of us to shake out our clothes as we take them off the line! I actually have a little wasp nest in the eaves up above my clothesline but never thought about them hangin' out in the laundry!

Jenna said...

Wow. That's never happened to me and I sure don't want it to! I think I'm going to take Sweetland Farm's suggestion and dry them for a bit after bringing them in.

Michaele said...

Is it okay to laugh - just a little. Really though - ouch!

Anonymous said...

Don't you usually post pictures of things that that happen on the farm???FK

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

Sorry about the sting, that smarts I know. Little trick I do is to put the clothes in the dryer on high for 5-8 minutes, this will kill any spiders, flies or wasps that may be hiding in something.

Funny, you know it really ticks me off when the dogs poop under the clothesline, I mean really, they have the whole 6 acrs and always seem to poop under where I need to be! LOL!!!!

Peacemom said...

OUCH!!! We have to check our clothes for ticks. Believe it or not, they get on the clothes! Now, I'm gonna be paranoid for ticks and wasps, yowzer! Hope you're less lopsided today and feeling better. ~Vonnie

Ohiofarmgirl said...

wise words, friend, you never do know when you're gonna get stung on the boob.


sorry i delayed in replying to you about the taters.. this is what i said so you dont have to click back....

hey SFG! We get some bugs but not enough to do a ton of damage. I've spritzed a few with that Safer insecticide soap. And really - having so many pieces of poultry really helps us. I think we are going to have an early/bad bug year so I'm probably going to step up my efforts and try and hand pick them (ick).

Tonya @ My Cozy Little Farmhouse said...

Is it wrong that I totally snort laughed out loud? Then freaked because something was crawling on me (it was fly).

Of course you totally have fun with the lopsided boob. Take a swollen boob side profile pic, then a picture of non swollen side profile. Post them as before and after the reduction surgery. LOL