Monday, January 9, 2012

Things I Wasn't Told

There are a few things I wasn't told about having a cat. I believe I wasn't told these things on the grounds that it could have changed my mind on getting one. So for all of those people out there in blog land who are thinking about getting a cat, let me tell you a few secrets that "cat people" are keeping to themselves.

Secret #1:  Not all cats are clean.

My cat is the messiest eater. It will come to me after it has eaten and it will have food ALL over it's mouth. Then of course, it wants to rub on you with it's dirty mouth.

Secret #2

Cats aren't always quiet. My cat is noisy!!!!!! Every morning when we all get up. He has to inform me about everything that went on in the night. He meows for at least 10 mins straight. Non stop! It's like he's carrying on a conversation.

Secret #3

Cats will play with some of the dumbest things! My cat snubs his nose at all of the cat toys that my sister gave him. He would rather play with the rock that was brought into the house on someones shoe. Therefore leaving it in just the right place to step on it bare foot during your nightly visit to the restroom. His other favorite toy is puppy pee pads. My sister gave them to me to put in front of his litter box so he won't leave a mess. Which leads me to secret #4.

Secret #4

Cats poop A LOT! I won't go into detail, but you can just imagine.

Secret # 5

Cats chase their tails. My cat will spend hours stalking his tail. He will spin, flip, and roll so that he can capture that annoying little thing that is constantly following him.

Secret # 6

Cats can get on your bed. And. They. Will.

The last secret (for now)......

Secret #7

Cats will sit on your head when YOU are sleeping.  Enough said.

So until next time....

Small Farm Girl, secret teller.


Melodie said...

I would rally like to see a picture of the cat sitting on your head in the bed !

Melodie said...

Oops, that is really!

Unknown said...

And they bring joy to your life... And I agree they sure do poop alot!!! I laughed reading all of the secrets because I have double trouble..2 12 week old kittens...I wouldn't trade them for the world...Lisa

Carolyn said...

You do know that by divulging this information you have put yourself at risk of being taken away in the dark of night by the Feline SWAT team, right? When your little ball of fur suddenly leaves your head one night, beware, as the combat booted felines will burst into your sleeping quarters, tie you up, blinfold you and take you to their overseas interrogation prison where you will be subjected to watching a 24 hour loop of old Taco Bell commercials featuring the annoying chihuahua dog.

Ashlee said...

Hah! these describe all of my cats perfectly. Cats are, well, creatures of their own entertainment. Not only does my Oliver sit on my head while I am sleeping, he will sleep there ALL. NIGHT. LONG. And Punkin? She most definitely has no interest in cat toys... Only twist ties and other various things she not be chewing on... Have fun!!!!

Anonymous said...

This may sound like a strange comment, but the pooping a lot made me want to comment. I am not a vet but own 2 cats and have fostered kittens in the past, in my experience if your cats poop a lot something is wrong (my 2 both go once a day). Either some kind of parasite or cheap food. Cats are pure meat eaters and the cheaper foods have lots of filler (grains, rice, etc) and poor quality protein that cats can’t process and it just goes out as waste. If you have had a fecal done at the vet and don’t think anything is wrong consider trying a quality food and see if that helps.

Candy C. said...

Secret #2 is certainly no secret around here! Bob the cat talks All. The. Time!! I just know he's telling me something important! LOL!!

Michaele said...

And sometimes they suck on stuffed animals. But I wuv them.

blackberrywintergirl said...

Cats...not my favorite...I CAN tell you doggie secrets, though! Enjoy your new friend!!!

Anonymous said...

hahahaahahah! i had three cats that were indoor bigshots...but could they mouse? well, they could corner a mouse and play tennis with it until i felt sorry for the mouse and grabbed the bbq tongs to grab the mouse with and toss him back outside... be glad you only have the one cat...hahahahahaha...

Donna. W said...

My cats live in the barn, so I don't know how much they poop. But Anonymous may be right about the cheap food, because that's true with dogs. Cheap food = lots of soft poop. Pricey food = one poop daily that is easy to pick up.

Tonia said...

Cats live in their own world.... I would have to agree about the poo thing.. you may try changing the food and check the ingredients...

Melissa said...

Hahaha...I love this post! Thanks for the laugh!

small farm girl said...

Melodie....If I'm asleep, there's no one to take a picture of me. lol

Lisa...Oh, you poor thing. heheheh

Carolyn Renee...You made me laugh so hard with that comment!!!!!!

Tiny....I'm glad I'm not the only one who has

Anon....I think he poops a lot because I'm the one who cleans his litter box. ANY poop is a lot for me. hehehe. We have good food for him. He was a stray so he eats a lot, therefor...poop.

Candy C....I KNOW!!!!


Sherie...They weren't mine either. But, they grow on ya.

Anon...I could only imagine. I think my cat is fed too well to chase mice. hehehhe

Donna...Good food. I just feed him too much. He is FAT!

Tonia... Got it under control. hehehe

Bee Girl...If you only knew. LOL

thecrazysheeplady said...

Well, I think everyone covered it above. Cats... ;-).

Anonymous said...

I have had cats all my life and can't imagine being without one. They are funny, have great personalities, are dog like at times, less trouble than a dog, and are just wonderful company. Our Barney is a real character! The more you talk to your kitty and react with him/her, the more personable they will become!! Yeah, they can be messy, but, well, who cares?? It's just part of being a kitty owner. What did you name your kitty and lets have a photo!!!!!! we wanna meet this secret kitty!! ...debbie

janice15 said...

lol yes some cats are like that....the good part is he goes potty where he be grateful for that.! He just a loving little guy and wants to share everything with you. He will calm when he gets older maybe after two years of age. Me and Mom's cats are much calmer now. We have Sprinkles who like to stick her head in every single bag that comes into the house and somehow she always sticks in through the handle part...she insist on sitting on and in my purse but she is a fatty and weighs a ton...I have to tell no she can't...but she is so pretty...she is three now...Its true some kitty's are busier than other...but they are all busy...and she never covers her potty up...I call her the nasty girl play with bottle top things...from the milk the part you pull off..go figure o there is Isabella too her sister...Have fun...with love Janice your newest follower...@

Denise said...

I have four and they all have their own personalities. The oldest one is the lover of the bunch. He will even let the others knead on him. We had one kitten that would suckle on him too. Dont think that worked too well LOL. The next oldest is our mouser. He leaves us gifts outside. Then there's our little girl, she just wants to be where we are all the flipping time which is nice when its cold but not so much when it's hot out. She's my official shadow. Then there's Tikki. He's special no I mean really special. He sings to the angels cause he can actually see them. Never a dull moment when you have four cats in the house either.