Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Ups and Downs of the Holidays

Our beloved St. Bernard Luke is no longer with us. He hadn't been feeling well since Thanksgiving. We haven't seen him since this last Thursday morning. We have a feeling he has gone up to the big dog house in the sky. He lived a long life. He was 12.

He will be missed.

Now I don't want to bring you all down. We did have a good Christmas around here. Friends and family galore! Oh, and all the food! (burp)

Hubby got me a Kindle. I think I'm in love.(with the Kindle.) Just kidding Honey! I've already downloaded a book that I just can't put down. I would recommend it to anyone. It's called Once Second After. Very interesting! It's about what would happen if the U.S.A lost all of it's ability to have electric or electrical devices. It's fiction, but it makes one think. And, you know me, I'm a thinker. lol

I hope you all had a great Christmas. And if I don't get back on here until next year, every one have a Happy New Year!  Oh, I'm going to have an announcement coming soon about my job too. hehehehe

So until next time,

Small Farm Girl, teaser


Modern Day Redneck said...

You can replace your wife, you can replace your car but you just can't replace a good dog. Sorry to hear about that.

My friend Shar over on MDR is going to email me a list of must reads. I will post the ones I like so you can add to your collection. Your next one needs to be "Lights out" All I can say is OMG.

small farm girl said...

MDR...Already planning on reading that one. My problem is I want to keep reading all night long. NOT getting any sleep. lol.

SweetLand Farm said...

Sorry to read about your dog.
I'm glad you had a good Christmas! Happy reading.
Have a Happy New Year too if we don't hear from you before! Can't wait to hear about the news on your job.

Carolyn said...

Sorry to hear about your beloved canine; I'm sure he was well loved and enjoyed his time with you.

I've also got One Second After on my "to read" list....after I finish the dozen or so before that. Ugh. But winter's coming so I'll have plenty of reading time....right??

Candy C. said...

Sorry about Luke.
Glad you had a good Christmas otherwise! I don't have a Kindle but it sounds like I need to find a copy of that book and read it! Sounds interesting!

small farm girl said...

SLF..Thank you!

Carolyn..He was loved. And..huh...yea..plenty of time. lol

Candy C..Yes, you do need to get a copy of this book. I'm going to get a hard copy of it too!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Aww, I'm sorry about Luke. What do you think happened to him...just vanished without a trace? Alien abduction perhaps? Someone found him and took him to love on? Maybe there's a chance he'll still come home, I hope.

I'm glad you had a nice Christmas and received a gift you really like, too. I'd be into that book as well.

Sure hope the job news is good. Happy New Year!


Anonymous said...

So sorry about Luke. It's an awful feeling to lose your beloved dog after so many years. Nice you have the new pup to help with the loss.
Glad you had a good Christmas. I love my Nook!! ...debbie

small farm girl said...

Lisa...I think he went off and died. He was really not feeling well. He also was sooooooooo old. The vet told us that he was one of the oldest St. Bernards he has ever seen.

Debbie...It was nice that we have the puppy. I think Luke knew.
I didn't know anything about the Nook. I just like having milions of books at my finger tips. lol

soni- lil sis said...

Poor Luke! I know i'll miss him. He was a great dog :( So sad

Meadowlark said...

Sorry about Luke. But better a good long life than not. (that's all I've got)

HURRAY KINDLE!!! Go subscribe to the Amazon "Deal of the day" for kindle. Always something interesting there. Also they have the four or five different (reputable) sites with free books, and most libraries will check out books to you (mine does at least). I love the e-ink as it doesn't hurt my eyes.

small farm girl said...

Lil Sis..It is sad.

Meadowlark...Thanks for the info! I love the eink too!

Melissa said...

I'm sorry to hear about your beloved dog but it sounds like he had a good life :-)

small farm girl said...

Bee Girl...He did have a good life. He was loved.

thecrazysheeplady said...

Oh, I am so sorry :-( {{{hug}}}

Catherine said...

Soooo sorry to hear about Luke. He was such a great boy and a real sweetheart. He will be very missed by everyone who knew him. We'll keep you in our thoughts and prayers.

V.L. Locey said...

Sorry to hear about Luke. But, I am glad to hear your holidays were good despite the loss.

Sheepmom said...

So sorry to hear about your doggie loss. I hope you can find him so you can say goodbye and give him a known resting place. Twelve is amazing for a St. B. Your pup is adorable. Is he a GP? We don't have a LGD, but if we ever need one I have confindence in the breed in general.
I'll have to look for that book at the library. Looks great!

Anonymous said...

there is a made for tv movie that comes up every now and then that was based on and titled the same-it does have a slightly different ending though from the book. the book is better than the movie, but i would recommend either one as being great eye opening and educational. ever since reading that book though i have made sure that my b.o.b. has been packed and with me in case of emp while i am out on the natchez trace... i am sorry to hear about your dog...it is really hard when they are approaching or are in their golden years and you know what the outcome will eventually be. still, i sure would put up some fliers and stuff and go out looking for him...old dogs dont always die off by their lonesome. bad things like being shot, dognapped etc.. happen too. and this world is beginning to fill up with a lot of lowlifes now that things are tanking.

Michaele said...

So sorry. I hope he went out in his own way. Two new Kindle Fire's in this house. Now I want one too : )

Swamp Dog said...

Sorry to hear about Luke, but death is just a part of the cycle of life. Here's hoping you have a happy and blessed New Year.