Tuesday, November 1, 2011

A Dream

Ok, I have a dream. I don't know if it will ever come about but, it would be worth a try.  I was thinking, how awesome it would be to have a get-together with "homesteady" people? Yep, nothing fancy, but just a nice bonfire, some good home cooked food, and maybe a little questions and answers from everybody.

 If you can do something, be it spin wool into yarn, or pluck a chicken, or just know how to can. I would want you to come. And then, when we are all setting around the fire, just start talking and asking questions. If you think you know the answer to someones questions, speak up. If you have a question, speak up. If you have a demonstration, demonstrate it. It would be really casual and all. And I guess, if ya want, you could bring a tent. Spend the night. You can fish in our pond!  Or, you could just stay for a few hours. It would be up to you. Very informal.

Like I said, I'm just kicking this around, but I thought that if anyone would be interested in coming, maybe having something like that around spring time.  Anyone interested? Or, any suggestions?

So until next time,

Small Farm Girl, dreamer


angela said...

sounds like a great idea! too bad Im on the other side of the world.

Melissa said...

Sounds like fun to me!

small farm girl said...

Angela, yes that could cause a problem. Lol
Bee girl, I'm really considering it.

www.FarmLifeLessons.blogspot.com said...

It would be fun times for sure...

Phelan said...

You're not that far from me. I might be game.

Modern Day Redneck said...

We have been wanting to do something like that for a long time now. You are a little to far away to make that drive tho. What 14 hours?

Ashlee said...

Sounds like an awesome idea to me! You are in Ohio right?? Sweet! Me too!

small farm girl said...

Phelan, that would be great! You are just full of.... imformation. hehehehe

MDR, I think we are something like 14 hours. I don't blame you for not comming! That's a long way!

Candy C. said...

I would love to attend such a gathering but it's a little far from southern Arizona to your house! LOL!!

Phelan said...

oh, ha. . . ha. . . ha. . . ;)

small farm girl said...

Candy, That is a little far. I'll be thinking of you though.

Phelan. :)

SweetLand Farm said...

Gotta love a get together around a campfire with like minded people. I'd like to come too, but like most of the others I live a little too far away... but I do hope you can have your dream and have people over! Would be fun!

Cat said...

That would be a blast, since I am out here in Oregon, and it sounds like others are also not as close to you for it to be a quick trip, too bad you couldn't sort of schedule it waaay in the future... I would love to do that, but not entirely sure who I would get to care for the animals... Still, it sounds like fun!


mmpaints said...

SFG, I'd be game but I'm not in too good of shape to leave here at the moment, which you'd know if you ever came to visit us 'common folks" in chat again ;) It's a great idea tho!

Unknown said...

Dang, that would be FUN! To bad I'm almost as far away as MDR. And I am going to "second" what mmpaints said :P~

Modern Day Redneck said...

SciFiChick is in the middle for everybody. I say we do it there.LOL

small farm girl said...

Tiny Gardener, I live just on the other side of the river in KY.

Cat, I haven't made the date for it yet. Any suggestions?

MM, Oh, I guess I'm going to have to check in. I hope it's nothing horrible.

Hey Sci, you and MDR can car pool!!!! :)

MDR, I don't think OK is in the middle. hehehehe

thecrazysheeplady said...

Sounds fun to me :-).

Anonymous said...

what a nice dream. i just found your blog and it is the first blog i have ever read that started with an invitation. i live in north east miss. near elvis presleys birthplace, but way out in the woods. we have five acres but no farm animals. i do have two very nice chinese sharpeis named daisy and lily. i quilt, crochet, knit, and sew..perhaps you could have a get together for "homesteady people" online someday. that would be great for those of us who live afar. sincerely, caryn

Carol............. said...

How funny......I've been thinking about something very similar to happen on our small mini-ranch for the past couple of years but don't quite know how to make it happen without inviting potential problems into my home.

I think it would be great to have a variety of "down home" gals getting together to share their interests so we could learn from each other.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

What if we don't know anything. Can we still come? hehe!

I fly for free, so depending upon the airport....you might see me!


small farm girl said...

Carol... I would love for you to come! I'm going to not try and think about the trouble that could come with this. lol

Lisa...I would love for you to come too!!!! Believe me Honey, you know plenty!!!!! LOL! But, if you feel like you don't, you can still come and injoy.

I just need to come up with a good date on when to do this. Hhhmmmmmmm

Aunt Krissy said...

I would love to come. I can, make goat milk soap and we did send 30 hens to freezer camp this year, but I would love to learn more canning and putting up food. I live in WI