Monday, August 2, 2010

A Big Question Of The Day

Okay, I have talked to a few of you out there on this subject. But, I have not heard from all of you. I have 102 followers on here. I want to know how you feel on this subject. So, comment please, then come back and comment some more. I would like this to turn into a discussion not just a comment page. Please keep it nice. And the question is......

Do you believe that,in our lifetime, there will be a big change in the way that we will have to live. Whether it be a government takeover, another country takeover,a complete economic meltdown, or so forth.

Please comment, but keep it nice.

So until next time,

Small Farm Girl, question asker.


Faith said...

Yup. I sure do!


Melissa E said...

No doubt there will be big changes in the future...hence the reason my hubby wants to buy a bunch of guns and move to a ranch in the middle of Montana..hehe...but seriously...yes big changes and part of me believes those of us who know how to be self sufficient (like you and many of your readers) will be able to survive any changes...seems that over the course of history those that know how to care for themselves without relying too much on others are the ones that come out stronger on the other side of change.

Unknown said...

I guess I will start it off. I already see a big change.. With aging you think differently and live differntly..As my hubby and I are in our 50's you start preparing differently. So I am living differently already.. Never in a million years did I think that would happen.. That is our big change..

I see big changes with the government telling us how we eat and how we live. Our health insurnace is already changing our health insurance.. more expensive with everything.

I see our freedoms eroding little by little so we don't see it..

Come November whether you are a Democrat or a Republican listen to the person who is running..Can he be believeable..Is he/she going to raise your taxes by pushing more programs through..Will they help the middle class and lower class...Will he or she reform welfare...Will he or she listen to the American public. It's not just a Republican or Democratic issue anymore..It is our freedom to have choices in what we eat or drink...

I don't vote straight party line..I listent to each and everyone who is running and then I vote for the person I think is good..

Peggy said...

I believe we are changing everyday for the worse. Government is taking more and more control of our rights down to trying to keep us from drinking raw milk. When the government crumbles and it will things will get very very bad. We can try to prepare the best we can for ourselves and family and just pray.

Denise said...

Yes I do believe things are going to change and not necessarily for the better. I think there is going to be a civil war again only this time it is going to be between the states and the federal government. Not only that but our money is going to be worth zilch. Watch the following "Meltup" on Ytube. It is a little long but very interesting on our financial condition as a country. If you havent watched "Food, Inc", I highly recommend it. The info is out there for everyone you just have to look and keep an eye and ear out and you will find it. Ignorance is not bliss in this instance. Look at everything you can find and make your own decisions based on what you believe to be true and just dont buy what the mainstream media is handing out. The media is owned by people who want to influence you to their way of thinking. Remember it's all about the money and power...sad but true.

Anonymous said...

With our current President, we are headed towards a lot of change. This change is called Socialism. Don't know about you, but I am NOT in favor of this. Our government, if we procede on this path will slowly take our freedoms away from us. Our country was built from hard working, dedicated people people who want their freedom. We want to keep our rights as AMERICANS. Come November, you need to pay attention, and vote for Freedom. We need someone who will Reduce the taxes that are being forced upon us, and fight to keep our Country Free. We don't want a Socialistic Country. God Bless America...debbie

DebH said...

as a classic statement from "The Terminator"
"There's a storm coming.....

Sarah said...

agree with DebH and the others. And while none of it makes me feel oh so happy, safe and secure, and while I believe in protecting oneself adn loved ones and being prepared...I also know that "changes" like the ones coming to our society have been going on throughout history. There have been governments unseated, societies destroyed, even geographical changes....and God has been there in control since the beginning. So while I'm ready to prepare, protect, and brace myself for the changes that are coming, I'm also not afraid or feeling doomed because I know I'm in God's hands.

Ben and Cass said...

Hi SMF My name is Cassie, not sure if i've commented before but i am now! I'm from Australia. I think a change will come in my childrens lifetime or my grandchildren's. Not sure whether it will just be a mother nature change or if our government will have a helping hand in that. Our government keeps going around in circles, like most other's i guess. (this is our election promise, but 2 years down the track we haven't done it, oh its time for another election lets make some new and the same promise's to the public). We have had some recent and current eco-system break down idea's from our state government for retrieving/storing water from our local river. They only seem to think of the one thing they want, not what the flow on effect would be 5 years down the track. I could keep going on, but i think this will do for now!

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

I too feel like Sarah, not afraid or feeling doomed just maybe a heightened awareness. Whatever is coming I'm not going to be able to change and I'm not seeing people really coming together to stand firm against it either so we simply pray and wait for God to lay on our hearts what we need to do.

We are however experiencing some real issues with family members, it seems they are paniced and somehow in their minds place the blame on us*sigh* Our Ds is having finacial woes and although he wouldn't heed any advice we tried to share with him about living below or at least within your income, he now has it twisted in his head that it's ALL our fault he is so deep in debt. Then my parents are also blaming us for the situation they are stuck in here. You see we let them build a home on our property and my Dad wanted it to look like it was our home( for reasons of my Mom's bad health and possiblity that she'd need to go on disability) now somehow they blame us because they can't sell and get away from each other, because technically it's not their home*sigh* Everyone is so unhappy and somehow it's all our fault.

Not sure what will happen next, it's sort of like waiting for the other shoe to drop. So we grow our garden, process the produce, store the root crops and prepare the best we can.

Anonymous said...

read the Constitution,learn it, teach it to your children

Pudge450 said...

I think we are toast. This administration has lots more in store for us. One thing I think is around the corner is big changes in Social Security; i.e., the government will determine who "needs" it based on our net worth. If you have what they consider "more than you need", you will be excluded from social security, even though you have paid all of your life.
Socialism with a capital "S" is in our future.

Carol............. said...

This is the first time in my 60 years that I can recall a change so fast, hard hitting, and negative AGAINST the people of this country....especially against the CONTRIBUTING members of our society by elected (and appointed) officials. This administration is working on taking our God given free will and decision making away from us and placing our inherent right to self serving, power hungry narcissists whose brains cannot comprehend common sense and decency.

However, I have also learned throughout the years that most things eventually grow toward the light regardless of obstacles. Most all my negative experiences have usually turned out for the better in the entire scope of things and I am a true believer that things happen for a reason...and that reason for me is to grow toward the light....the positive.

Many have lost a sense of "belonging"; keeping our individuality while still working together as a community. Maybe this is what we will regain after the worst happens.

small farm girl said...

Thanks so much for the comments everyone! I have to agree with all of you. I think something is on the horizon. I'm not sure when or where it will happen. I just know that we all must be ready. Keep on commenting. This is very interesting.

Donna. W said...

Bob Dylan said it, years ago. "There's a hard rain a-gonna fall."

And it ain't gonna be pretty.

Catherine said...

Oh, yeah, things are going to change! Right now the USA is running on borrowed money...mainly from China. And China is quietly moving toward not loaning us more money to fund our Beloved Leader's Socialist agenda (fascist, actually, but let's not go there right now).

Once our economy gets to point that we no longer can borrow money and have to live within our GDP, things will go bad, and go bad in a hurry. And we're almost there. This is the first year in the history of the USA that we have not had a Congressional budget voted and approved, so that We the People can see where our tax dollars are being spent. Instead, Congress "deemed" the budget passed, although there WAS no budget, they were just spending money with no accountability.

You get a bunch of spoiled, lazy Americans with an entitlement mindset, and suddenly tell them they are no longer "entitled", and all h*** will break loose. I'm afraid the aftermath will make Depression, part 1, look like a Sunday walk in the park. Remember what the Gov't did to the Bonus Army...and expect exponentially worse.

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

Of course there will be changes. Life is all about changes. We can't grow if we don't change. And all throughout history we have had to change the way we live...either because of progress or because of troubled times.


The Kelly's Adventures in KY said...

I agree with LOR. The one constant in life is that it is ever changing. People have had the fortitude in the past to adapt and in most instances thrive. (Any) change is hard to go through though. I know that all we can do is be as prepared as possible and secure with ourselves to face the future. Pulling together as a family and a community of neighbors is something that should be strived for. I know my family and neighbors are preparing for something. We moved out of the city and thousands of miles away from what we knew all our lives because we felt "it". Fortunately we ended up surrounded by a hearty, willing and helpful group of people out here in the middle of nowhere and are learning more self-reliance for our needs (most importantly the procurement of clean, safe food).

V.L. Locey said...

It is very possible I will say that.

Aunt Krissy said...

Yes and no. I think change is going to come. But it will be slow. Rights are and still will be taken away but it is happening slowy. 100 years from now, if you and I came back to the USA we would find it very changed. I don't think that there will be civil war as we (The royal we) are to lazy to do anything. As long as we have food, shelter,and other things that we feel we must have we pretty much keep our head in the sand.

Maria said...

As just about everyone else said, change is coming, but it is a slow change, so I'm not sure if I'll see the end result (I'm 47). I believe my kids are going to have it much tougher than we did, so I try to prepare them as much as possible. I don't know if it sinks in to them though yet.

Wendy said...

I don't think we have to look too far to see that change is already happening. Dmitry Orlov wrote a book called Reinventing Collapse, and while I don't agree with a good deal of what he says, one fact remains - he witnessed the Soviet Union's economic collapse in the 80s/90s, and what he sees happening here, now, is too painful a reminder of what he saw happening then.

Lisa says above, "I see our freedoms eroding little by little so we don't see it."

And interestingly, several of the documentaries and books I've read from Holocaust survivors said the same sort of thing. I think we tend to not realize that the changes happened so gradually in the late 30s and 40s and were so insidious that by the time many of the Jewish people realized what was happening to them, it was simply too late to do much of anything except hide.

That's what's happening now with regard to our economy and cheap energy (and make no mistake, it's all related). For instance, I've been watching the price of oil for the past two years. It went from $150/barrel to $30/barrel, and today, it's back up over $80/barrel and the price of gasoline per gallon is almost $3, but it's not making the headlines. No one is paying attention.

The same thing is happening with the cost of food. It's been creeping up, steadily, over the past several years, and we just haven't really been paying attention. I mean, it only increases a few cents at a time, and we simply don't notice, until one day, a pound of flour costs twice what it did last year.

We're in for some HUGE changes in the next couple of years. If we're not paying attention, some day, we're going to wake up and wonder what in the hell happened, which is a shame, because if if we'd been paying attention, we would have seen the proverbial writing on the wall. We're in the midst of an energy draw down either as a result of Hubbard's Peak proving to be a reality or as a result of some conspiracy to gain control over the masses. The "why" doesn't really matter as much as the fact that it's happening, and our best defense is to voluntarily simplify our lives,now, so that having less oil isn't an issue for us as individuals.

It's going to get really ugly, probably sooner rather than later, and we need to be aware that it's happening so that we don't get caught with our pants down.

R Dean said...

After reading all of the comments posted...Laughing Orca Ranch said it best...."of course there will be change"...maybe we should listen to the late Warren Zevon...."send lawyers, guns and get me out of this"!!! hahahaha...

Lisa said...

I dont know about any of you but the current administration scares the hell out of me. Change is coming and although I agree with the person who said most don't see it because freedom is being taken away little by little, I disagree with the thought that we wont live to see the worst of it. I think it will gradually decline and then take off like gangbusters and people have to be ready to take care of themselves.

Anonymous said...

These are interesting posts. I am finding it really interesting that so much of what happened in the past administration is blamed on the current one. Not saying whether that's good or bad, but my husband was laid off under the Bush administration twice, and is yet again laid off under this one. Don't think any of it is perfect.

I do think change will come, I'm still hoping for an awakening and don't feel a total sense of doom and gloom. Things are going to happen gradually. Our country has far too much consumerism and not enough people focused on the truly meaningful things in life, though I feel that is changing slowly. Just in our local area, there are more farmers markets and organic produce available then before.

I don't think the governmental change and corporate change will come until things get so bad that the apathetic larger population gets motivated to force change. Either way, it's not going to be comfortable and I am making sure I'm as prepared as possible to help my family through the rough patches. Learning skills that kept our forebearers alive with less are always a good idea!

Thanks for posting the question, that's fun!


Anonymous said...

Everything changes. People adapt, things change again. Throughout history.

Anonymous said...

Yes, change has come and is coming...thank goodness!

Finally, like the rest of the world, our citizens will have health insurance.

We have an educated president who understands the importance of education. He wasn't raised with a silver spoon in his mouth. He has a wonderful family, including his mother-in-law.

Unfortunately, the prejudices that we thought we had overcome have come out of the closet, but we will overcome that.

After years of Americans spending money they didn't have, they have been pulled up short - hope that is a long-standing lesson.

Americans are also learning that they are not the only country in the world and there are different systems that work as well as ours; there may be more than one correct answer to each question.

All-in-all, the sky is not falling.

Anonymous said...

Trolls go away,who sent you here?