Monday, March 22, 2010

Question of the Day

So what do YOU think of the health care bill?

Small Farm Girl, just wondering.


Tonia said...

Its going to hurt a lot of us little people... It also showed how little the government listens to the people anymore..

Anonymous said...

Boy, that is a loaded question. These Democrats who passed this bill have no regard for the people of this country. It will put many small businesses out of business. It is going to cut medicade for our parents, it is going to raise the cost of education, it will give free insurance to people who are to lazy to work and we get to pay for it. It will raise our taxes, and I could go on and on. Do I think it is a good thing? ABSOLUTELY NOT. I AM extremely ANGRY....debbie

Donna. W said...

I don't like it; but I've been wrong before.

Denise said...

does it matter what we think? Cause they should have let us vote on it to get a real sense of what people thought about it. And just makes you wonder what was promised to the ones who voted yes on is all going to come out sooner or later.

Anonymous said...

I guess this comes under the part about "change"...but I am wondering who this "change" will affect??? I don't think it is a good thing....but then nobody asked me so guess my opinion isn't worthy??!! I sure hope there is a "delete" button somewhere just in case this "change" doesn't work!!!! hugs from Ora in Kentucky

Faith said...

Government can't run anything right, health care should be left to the private sector.

The way they ramrodded this through was stunning in its arrogance, complete disregard for the representation of the people, and stomping all over the constitution in every way.

The act of government health care is unconstitutional from the start. If you read the Constitution, the Federal government was given 18 powers. That's it. Taking over this is not one of them.

The bill itself is going to destroy the best health care system in the world and reduce it to the level of other nations.

We are already broke and this is only driving us deeper into debt. This current government is a spoiled teenager who doesn't care about breaking the law and has been given unlimited credit cards at frighteningly high interest rates. They are charging up those cards at the rate of about a trillion dollars every month. Like credit card companies, the debt is allowed to pile up until you are in bondage.

That is exactly where America is going. Into bondage. We are becoming a laughing stock and gleefully walking right into the place where we're going to get eaten alive and become a blip on the screen of history. If this world lasts that long.

The way we are allowing Iran to go nuclear while we cajole and court them, the ones who swear they are going to destroy us, we are practically spitting on one of our greatest allies, Israel, for building housing in their own capitol city that will house both Arabs and Jews. Israel is bending over backwards so much, they even allow other countries to tell them if they can or cannot build an apartment.

This country is upside down. Right is wrong and wrong is right. Good thing my Lord is in control of how it all ends up, because this place is nuts.


V.L. Locey said...

Hmmm, thats a tough question. I think that we do need health care reform, far too many working people are without healthcare. A perfect example is a friend of mine who just suffered a stroke at the age of 33 who worked every day but has no insurance. I cannot imagine the bills that are already piling up that his family will somehow have to find a way to pay...let alone the cost of rehabilitation. Its sad and far too common a problem.

Whether our government can run such a thing is questionable but at least someone is trying to address this issue which affects SO many Americans.

thecrazysheeplady said...

Well, leaving health care in the hands of greedy insurance companies wasn't getting us anywhere. We have a small business with one employee. What we are paying to provide our tiny family and her with very basic insurance is enough to put most small businesses out of business. I also have several hard working friends who can't afford to buy their own insurance since their places of business quit providing it. One friend who can't even get it if she wants it because of a pre-existing condition. I don't like how this was "finagled", but someone had to do something...

Kathryn said...

What i think would be a very long answer.

I think what they passed in insane.

I agree with most opinions here.

I also admit that there are lots of problems with the current health care system & people were falling thru the cracks. I think that should have been addressed before they tried to put this (stupid) enormous program into place. I also believe that this will usher in the limits of a lot of our freedoms to utilize alternative care. I personally don't like conventional medicine, i think it does a lot of damage & kills a huge number of people every year. I choose to go with alternatives, & i'm afraid that in a few years my ability to choose the care i want will be limited or eliminated.

Catherine said...

From their desperation to pass this bill, I suspect it has less to do with health care (since when does the Gov't give a fig about the average citizen's well-being?) than with the money the HC bill will start bringing in. America is on the verge of losing its AAA bond rating, and there was no other way Obama could force through a tax increase bill. I'd at least have some respect for POTUS and congress if they had been honest about it and called this tax increase what it is. Cap-n-trade will be next, mark my words. The Gov't needs our money, they want our money, and they will take our money, unless we start fighting back.

Anyway, that said, requiring the purchase of a good or service from a private entity as a requirement of American citizenship is so unconstitutional as to be mind-boggling. Between that and the abortion shell game, I will not comply with this law. I just hope Kentucky hurries up and joins the 10-and-counting states who are suing to have this law overturned. It worked with prohibition, it can work with health care. I'd hate to think it comes down to another "States Rights/Federal Gov't" battle...the last one didn't turn out so well.

taylorgirl6 said...

Wow. Is it really so "us versus them" everywhere in this country? I understand that people get upset when we talk about tax money and how the government spends it, but have you taken a look at our military budget lately? Now look at the budget money allocated to public schools.

I don't know a lot about this new health care overhaul. Hopefully it'll benefit me in the completely unrealistic taxes I pay for my domestic partner's health coverage (Health coverage for domestic partners and their children is paid for by my employer, but the taxes for that healthcare rest on my shoulders and are tallied on my paychecks. We're talking THOUSANDS of dollars a year for something which married couples get for free. Yeah, it makes me a little bitter.)

Additionally, those kids who are diagnosed with childhood illnesses who were originally denied health care coverage will now be protected by this law.

I'm hearing a lot about small businesses being hit hard. Okay. That's a good point. But when did we start to care more about businesses than children? This isn't about all of us paying more for welfare families (Which we already pay for, by the way... This law does not cost us more than we're already shelling out.), it's about us taking care of our own in this country.

Nezzy (Cow Patty Surprise) said...

I firmly believe that health care needs a good makeover but I don't think this bill was the right way to go about it. I think this bill is goin' to fall on us who always get caught in the middle payin' for everyone's good deals. 'Nuff said!

Ya'll have a wonderfully blessed day!!!

small farm girl said...

Wow! Thanks for the comments guys. I think healthcare is an interesting subjec. lol

Robbyn said...

I read the question and thought "Danger, Will Robinson!" lol.....I have such strong feelings about this subject that I'm afraid if I speak about it one more time, my head will begin rotating and someone will have to call in a priest for an intervention, ha! :)

Bex said...

I think it's too early to make any solid decisions about it. As it makes the rounds and people start *really* looking at what it contains and what kind of effects it will have, there will be tweaks made and likely there will be states that step in to pass laws that lessen the hammer shock. It will receive a fine tuning and, quite possibly, have the majority of it thrown out due to uprising. But, the country will not fall into a pit of writhing despair just because a health care bill has passed.