Monday, October 26, 2009

I Hate Them!

I love fall. There, I said it. It's my favorite time of year.The beautiful leaves, the crisp air, and the first smell of wood smoke rising from chimneys.But,(you knew that was coming)I HATE spiders coming into my house! Springtime? The eight legged creatures are a welcome site in my garden. I don't even think about stepping on them. I know they are there to catch and eat the unwanted pest that make my garden their own personal smorgasbord. I don't mind them there.

But,(there it is again), don't come into my house. In a few short months, spiders go from being my friend, to my sworn enemy. They go from,"Oh look, a spider. Hello little spider." to "OH MY GOSH! A SPIDER!!!!!KILL IT! KILL IT!" My Hubby is busy laughing at me as I come flying out of the bathroom naked, screaming my fool head off, begging him to kill the monster that dared to crawl into my bathtub.

He says they are coming into the house just to get warm. I DON'T CARE! If they want to stay warm, they need to gather little twigs during the summer and start them a small spider fire to stay warm. They could spin themselves some spider coats,hats, and eight gloves out of spiderweb. They don't need to come into my house.They can keep themselves warm.

Now I am done ranting about the eight legged monsters. So until next time......

Small Farm Girl, arachnophobia


Kathryn said...

I'm with you on the spiders. I'm not quite as phobic as i used to be - which is good for my husband is as bad as i ever was.

If given a chance i will take them outside. The one yesterday spooked me a bit as he jumped but i got him out. I hate spiders in my house! (Sometimes i sic the cats on them.)

small farm girl said...

Dont feel bad Kathryn, I sic my weiner dog on them all the time. :)

Faith said...

Yeah, I'm with you. They are free to roam, unless they are in my territory.

It's the long legged ones that get to me. LOL They are so WEIRD!

There was one on my stove yesterday... looked and moved like a crab. ew.


Anonymous said...

lol, I don't like spiders either and I agree, getting ready to hop in the shower only to find a huge brown spider is a little upsetting!! Funny Post!!...debbie

Tonia said...

LOL To funny! I can tolerate spider more now. But I use to scream like a little girl for Kyle to come kill them!!Lol

Kelle at The Never Done Farm said...

You are a kick in the pants girl! I can relate because I don't like them either, but I will wad up a handful*wink* of TP and kill it myself! This year they are, for some reason really bad and REALLY big! We have wolf spiders and just the other night I was reading a book and Mike and Cortney watching a DVD when I heard something and then caught a movement. It was a wolf spider as big as a $.50 piece, YIKES! I reacted quickly and threw a larger book from the table and it landed right on top of it, made a mess on the floor and back of the book though*sigh*

This reminds me to set the mouse traps and get out the baitbars downstairs and out in the cellar. I dislike these creatures even more, because they just mess anywhere, YUCK! With cold temps they'll be looking for a crack to squeeze through into the warmth of the house. Thankfully we've only had them upstairs once, last year, and the cat took care of them( 3 little buggers)They were bold, running out right in front of you and the cat, that's how she got them, good kitty!

Take care and walk with a big book, instead of a big stick*wink*

Sarah said...

I agree....but better spiders than mice!

Tracey said...

I'm not a spider kinda gal either but I won't kill them or let my hubby either. If they come in my house I have him put them outside if they are big or I do if they are small. I just can't bring myself to kill them. I'm also the person that has no-kill mouse traps...what can say-I'm weird :-)

Jennifer said...

I used to be really scared of spiders before I met my husband. Turns out he was more afraid of them than I was, so I had to kill them myself! Now, they don't bother me much, unless they are really huge!

Kristin said...

I hate them too!

The Pink Geranium or Jan's Place said...

oh my gosh, that was toooo funny! Small twigs and spider fires to keep warm... LOL!

Laughing Orca Ranch said...

roflmbo! You put my thoughts into words about spiders perfectly! haha!
Yeh....if they can go and spin a web to catch food, then why not little spider clothes to keep warm? They need to start being a little more self-sufficient instead of being squatters in our homes.
