It gets harder and harder everyday to see people who just don't get it. They coast through their lives. They don't appreciate the things they have. They always want more. Bigger cars, bigger houses,more clothes, and it goes on and on. Back about 100 years ago, you never heard about people being depressed.(of course you didn't have tv or radio to tell you about these things) You didn't hear about how bored people were. They had things to do. LIVE! People then worked to live. If they didn't work in their gardens, they didn't live. Now a days, people don't have to work to live. They work because they want more THINGS. Now what's wrong with that. People have lost their purpose in life. They are just "living." They have nothing to work for other than things. I don't know about you, but "things" are not what I want to work for. Don't get me wrong. It's nice to have things. But, I don't want to put a expensive car and huge house, as my only reason to work.
Priorities are screwed up. God,family, and friends are what's important. Health is important. Good healthy food is important. Shelter is important.(not how big that shelter is) People think money is important. As soon as I pay off my bills that I made before I felt like this, I'm going to probably quit my job. My home and the work here is more important to me than putting fake nails on people. I'm not going to say anything to my clients about this but.....COME ON PEOPLE! You are paying $50 for a set of FAKE NAILS! How stupid is that! And to beat it all, they come back every 2 to 3 weeks and pay me 35 dollars to fix them again. WOW! I just don't get it. I want to be a hermit.
Now on to a happier part of this post. I put the chicks out in the sun today. Skeeter put it on herself to guard them with her life.
Against all odds. She was going to protect them. This is her growling at Luke.
She stayed there all day.
It was a long day.
So until next time,
Small Farm Girl, hermit.